Saturday, August 23, 2008

Once upon a time...

...Rachel started yet another blog!

That's cool though, cause my last one was pre-wedding, so I definitely need a new personal blog!

So there's lots of good things happening in my life right now. Some not so good things too (like some crazy lady hitting Chris in the parking lot and saying it was his fault). The past few days I've been staying at my parent's house watching my little brothers since Mom and Dad went off on some crazy vacation (anniversary shmanisversary). It's been lots of fun and we're heading off to Murray Lake today for fun in the... sun... well, clouds probably according to the forecast.

I'm currently reading Gone With the Wind and it's a winner for sure. I have been working on it for around a month now, the longest I've gone with one novel in a loooong time.

I haven't been feeling too hot lately, I probably need more sleep (and sleeping in someone else's bed doesn't help!).

Mom brought up to me that some of the homeschooling families would like to have a speech class and she suggested I teach it! I'd LOVE to do it, it's one of my favorite classes from high school/college and it'd be super fun to teach it. I'll be substitute teaching this year, but one day a week shouldn't be too bad! Let's pray it works out.

Anyway, I've gotta go get these chillin's ready for the lake! Hopefully we'll have a great time!

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